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Martello Asset Management’s process and performance once again recognised with ARC 3D Award

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Martello Asset Management, the Jersey-based portfolio and fund manager has once again been recognised with the ARC 3D Award for commitment to transparency.

Awarded by ARC Research, who independently monitor the investment performance of 125 firms and 350,000 portfolios, the 3D Award recognises firms that meet rigorous standards, providing investors with a mark of trust and quality in their investment management practices.

Graham Harrison, ARC Group Founder and Executive Chair said, “Managers holding the 3D award have demonstrated a dedication to the principles of transparency and engagement, as well as omitting to the enhanced programme of due diligence.”

Eligibility for the award is based on an annual review process, requiring firms to demonstrate ongoing commitment to the award’s core principles of transparency, integrity and engagement. The process includes submission of: a detailed due diligence questionnaire covering corporate structure, ESG practices, risk management policies and client serving standards; accurate and up to date performance data of client portfolios and; formal demonstrations which test the practical application of investment strategies.

Peter Bourne, Martello’s COO, said, “We are once again delighted to receive this recognition from ARC. It is a hallmark of excellence and independently demonstrates our commitment to providing the best possible service and investment outcomes for our clients.”